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Taking good photos of Communion

good communion photos

For children, the day of their Communion is synonymous with happiness (gifts, family, friends, being the protagonists…) They will be your best models. Things would have to go wrong to not get spectacular photos, point in our favor!
Choose the best place to enrich your photos, you can rely on the decorations. Take care of the backgrounds. Choose the best corner, look for a charming park, a beautiful light-colored wall, the entrance of the church, a fountain…


Be prepared for what may come


There's a saying: “If you can't think of anything, copy” Get inspired beforehand by looking at work on the internet and memorize poses, styles, ideas… If you have your homework done, you'll be more responsive and you' ll be able to improvise.

Our model is the protagonist


This is his day and we can't ruin it by pushing him. We have to let him be comfortable. His happiness will be reflected in our final work. Make him/her laugh, be fun, play… let him/her relax and be him/herself. Think that it is not every day that a child wears an uncomfortable suit to be the center of the universe.

Beware of comments


Children get tired of everything! They need to change activities all the time. It's a sacrifice to have to be posing, when they just want to go play with their friends, isn't it. Your job will be partly that of a psychologist. You will ruin your photo shoot with comments like: “Turn your nose upside down, it looks too big”. Don't make a big deal out of a complex!

Every child is a world


At this age, children are already forging their personalities. Some are more extroverted, some are more shy… Having the whole family and friends as spectators is not the best option to start the session. Some will be nervous and intimidated, others will act silly… Try to be alone together! Little by little you will be able to incorporate more people.

Good communion pictures

Self-confidence. The best thing to get good photos of Communion.

Find their favorite toy, something they enjoy, a place they like and you'll see their confidence amplified in your reportage.

We're looking for the best way to get a good photo.

Look at the target?


It's easy! A simple trick is to place a little birdie, eyes, doll or some similar witticism on the camera. Our model will know where to look when commanded and his or her gaze will be more relaxed.

Finally the best tip of all


Spread happiness! Leave the nerves at home. This is a day to enjoy yourself and that's the most important thing.

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