The communion season is coming and you’ll want to design a photo book design a digital album with the photos of the best memories. Find out what things you need to consider to design it like a pro.
<pThe first thing to look out for is print quality
.For such a special day, always choose photographic printing. It’s a safe bet that won’t let you down. The details of the dress, the colors of the flowers… will look perfect.
Other types of printing such as digital, are usually cheaper, and good results are achieved, but you will be happy to invest in a day that you will want to remember for a lifetime with the best quality.
Choose paper type
.If you want to go for a professional and durable finish, choose an anti-fingerprint paper. You will avoid scratches, fingerprints, scuffs and even water splashes. Your photo book will be preserved as the first day.

Once you’ve chosen your paper and printing,
Bet on an easy-to-compose format.
The horizontal photo album is the most versatile and comfortable. If you want to innovate and it’s not your first album, try a square format. These formats are the easiest to design and you will avoid the headaches that we find with vertical formats.
Plan well the pictures for your photo album
.You’ll definitely want to have a keepsake for all your guests. Plan it well and take group photos, the more guests in the photo, the better, so you’ll have them all, in fewer photos.
I’m sure you have lots of photos in which you look super cute, and you’ll want to put them all. Choose them well and do not put more than four photos per page. The white, will create a framed effect that will give it that touch of quality.
White is also important
.A trick widely used by professional photographers is to put a photo in the middle of the page, occupying the same proportion of white as the photo. You will get all eyes on that photo that you want to remember.
There are digital albums with clip arts or children’s backgrounds, or even first communion.
Run away from drawings.A good professional would never use them. We tend to fill in the gaps and put in extra elements, so if you’re not an expert, you’ll probably end up abusing them by making a design too informal.
A good professional would never use them. Another idea is to compose black and white pages, highlighting that photo you are in love with, it will look spectacular!. We can’t forget about that! Remember, the main character is the child, and something super important “LESS IS MORE“. Try using a close-up photo occupying the entire page. His or her gaze will catch the eye and he or she will feel like the king or queen. . Don’t forget to put name and date, it will be something you will want to remember for a lifetime. Choose a font that reads well. You can choose a more classic font that will never go out of style, such as Georgia (italic works very well) or a more modern one, or even one with a childish touch… that’s up to each person’s taste, but above all, remember, no matter how pretty it is, if it can’t be read, it’s useless. Choose a digital album to frame the photos. First you can prepare the photos in programs like Photoshop to correct lighting or color problems, but leave the framing and effects for editing in the program where you design the photo book. This way you will not have wasted time changing sizes of photos in a separate program, so that later they do not fit with the page layout.
Finally, pay special attention aligning the photos well, those small details, are the ones that make the difference.