If you want to make sure to preserve your photos, try to print out the most important moments and save them to another external storage medium such as a hard drive and you can sleep soundly. If you make this act a routine, not only will you be sure to preserve your photos, but you'll […]
10 simple tricks to squeeze the camera of your cell phone
In today's post we show you some simple tricks to improve the photos you take with your mobile camera. First, we're going to list 10 tricks you need to keep in mind when taking your photos with your mobile. We're going to list 10 tricks you need to keep in mind when taking your photos […]
10 simple tricks to squeeze the camera of your mobile
In today's post we show you some simple tricks to improve the photos you take with your mobile camera. First of all, we are going to list 10 tricks that you have to take into account when taking your photos with your mobile. 10 SIMPLE TRICKS: Use the main camera: The photographs will have better quality than […]
How to download photos from mobile to computer
If you want to make sure you keep your photos, try to print the most important moments and save them on another external storage medium such as a hard drive and you can sleep peacefully. If you make this act a routine, you not only make sure you keep the photos, but you also have much more space in the memory of […]